Mappoint Viewer

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Represents a location defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates.

MapPoint - view a file. Streets and Trips AutoRoute, Streets and Trips, MapPoint. The primary reason is that you need all the map data. This map data takes up the bulk of the DVD when you buy MapPoint, and also has sub-licensing costs.

View all downloads in English; FAQ (in English) Update Microsoft MapPoint 2013 and Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013 Construction Data Update. Download the latest construction data to keep your maps current. Update Microsoft Streets. How can I view a.ptm file without the mappoint software? Someone sent me a file that has the extension.ptm and I can't open it. Is there a way to open this file without the software it was originally created in? Map multiple locations, get transit/walking/driving directions, view live traffic conditions, plan trips, view satellite, aerial and street side imagery. Do more with Bing Maps. : Is there a free ptm viewer so that clients can have read: only access to ptm files created in MapPoint 2002?:: Thanks, No. A viewer would require all of the data on disc #2 to view it which woould be impractical. Best thing to do would be to save as web page or as a send to email address.

Assembly: Esri.ArcGISRuntime (in Esri.ArcGISRuntime.dll) Version:

The MapPoint type exposes the following members.

MapPoint(Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the MapPoint class.
MapPoint(Double, Double, SpatialReference)
Initializes a new instance of the MapPoint class.
MapPoint(Double, Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the MapPoint class with an x, y, z and a null spatial reference.
MapPoint(Double, Double, Double, SpatialReference)
Initializes a new instance of the MapPoint class with an x, y, z and spatial reference.
Dimension (Overrides GeometryDimension.)
Gets the minimum enclosing envelope of the instance
(Overrides GeometryExtent.)
GeometryType (Overrides GeometryGeometryType.)
Gets a value indicating whether the geometry has any curves.
(Inherited from Geometry.)
HasM (Overrides GeometryHasM.)
Gets a value indicating if the geometry has Z coordinate.
(Overrides GeometryHasZ.)
Gets a value indicating whether or not the geometry is empty.
(Overrides GeometryIsEmpty.)
Gets the optional coordinate to define a measure value for the point.
SpatialReference (Inherited from Geometry.)
Gets the X coordinate.
Gets the Z coordinate.

Microsoft Mappoint Viewer

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CreateWithM(Double, Double, Double)
Creates a new 2D map point with an M (measure) value. The spatial reference will be null.
CreateWithM(Double, Double, Double, SpatialReference)
Creates a new 2D map point with an M (measure) value and a spatial reference.
CreateWithM(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Creates a new 3D map point with an x, y, z, and m (measure) coordinate.
CreateWithM(Double, Double, Double, Double, SpatialReference)
Creates a new 3D map point with an x, y, z, m (measure) and a spatial reference.
Checks if two geometries are approximately same, within some tolerance.
(Inherited from Geometry.)
Compares two MapPoint for equality. This will check for a matching SpatialReference and coordinates for a match.
(Overrides GeometryIsEqual(Geometry).)
Converts this geometry into an ArcGIS JSON representation.
(Inherited from Geometry.)
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)

Map point geometries represent discrete locations or entities, such as a geocoded house address, the location of a water meter in a water utility network, a moving vehicle, and so on. Larger geographic entities (such as cities) are often represented as map points on small-scale maps. Map points can be used as the geometry of features and graphics and are often used to construct more complex geometries. They are also used in a Viewpoint to define the center of the display.

Map points store a single set of x,y coordinates that define a location (longitude and latitude, for example), and a SpatialReference. Optionally, a z-value (commonly used to describe elevation) and an m-value (commonly used for measurement relative to the geometry) can also be defined.

For map points defined with a geographic spatial reference, the x-coordinate is the longitude (east or west), and the y-coordinate is the latitude (north or south). When geographic coordinates are represented in strings, they are generally written using the form '(latitude, longitude)', where the y-coordinate comes before the x-coordinate. Latitude values south of the equator and longitude values west of the prime meridian are expressed as negative numbers.

Use CoordinateFormatter to convert a latitude, longitude formatted string directly to a map point, and also return a latitude, longitude formatted string from an existing map point. Other coordinate notations, such as Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) and United States National Grid (USNG) are also supported.

Map points are based upon the parent Geometry Class. The Geometry Class is immutable which means that you can not change its shape once it is created. If you need to modify a map point once it has been created, use the MapPointBuilder Class instead. The ToGeometry Method will provide you with the MapPoint object.


Example Name: FeatureLayerRenderingModeMap

Render features statically or dynamically by setting the feature layer rendering mode.

Xamarin Forms Android

Example Name: FeatureLayerRenderingModeMap

Render features statically or dynamically by setting the feature layer rendering mode.


Additional Examples

Mappoint Viewer

Hyperlink to ExampleDescription
AddAnIntegratedMeshLayerView an integrated mesh layer from a scene service.
AddFeaturesAdd features to a feature layer.
AddGraphicsRendererA renderer allows you to change the style of all graphics in a graphics overlay by referencing a single symbol style.
AddGraphicsWithSymbolsUse a symbol style to display a graphic on a graphics overlay.
AnalyzeViewshedCalculate a viewshed using a geoprocessing service, in this case showing what parts of a landscape are visible from points on mountainous terrain.
Animate3DGraphicAn `OrbitGeoElementCameraController` follows a graphic while the graphic's position and rotation are animated.
AnimateImageOverlayAnimate a series of images with an image overlay.
BufferCreate a buffer around a map point and display the results as a `Graphic`
BufferListGenerate multiple individual buffers or a single unioned buffer around multiple points.
ChangeViewpointSet the map view to a new viewpoint.
ChooseCameraControllerControl the behavior of the camera in a scene.
ClipGeometryClip a geometry with another geometry.
ClosestFacilityFind a route to the closest facility from a location.
ClosestFacilityStaticFind routes from several locations to the respective closest facility.
ConvexHullCreate a convex hull for a given set of points. The convex hull is a polygon with shortest perimeter that encloses a set of points. As a visual analogy, consider a set of points as nails in a board. The convex hull of the points would be like a rubber band stretched around the outermost nails.
ConvexHullListGenerate convex hull polygon(s) from multiple input geometries.
CreateFeatureCollectionLayerCreate a Feature Collection Layer from a Feature Collection Table, and add it to a map.
CreateGeometriesCreate simple geometry types.
CutGeometryCut a geometry along a polyline.
DeleteFeaturesDelete features from an online feature service.
DensifyAndGeneralizeA multipart geometry can be densified by adding interpolated points at regular intervals. Generalizing multipart geometry simplifies it while preserving its general shape. Densifying a multipart geometry adds more vertices at regular intervals.
DictionaryRendererGraphicsOverlayThis sample demonstrates applying a dictionary renderer to graphics, in order to display military symbology without the need for a feature table.
DisplayGridDisplay coordinate system grids including Latitude/Longitude, MGRS, UTM and USNG on a map view. Also, toggle label visibility and change the color of grid lines and grid labels.
DisplayKmlNetworkLinksDisplay a file with a KML network link, including displaying any network link control messages at launch.
DisplayLayerViewStateDetermine if a layer is currently being viewed.
DisplayUtilityAssociationsCreate graphics for utility associations in a utility network.
DisplayWfsDisplay a layer from a WFS service, requesting only features for the current extent.
DistanceMeasurementMeasure distances between two points in 3D.
EditAndSyncFeaturesSynchronize offline edits with a feature service.
EditFeatureAttachmentsAdd, delete, and download attachments for features from a service.
EditKmlGroundOverlayEdit the values of a KML ground overlay.
FeatureLayerDefinitionExpressionLimit the features displayed on a map with a definition expression.
FeatureLayerDictionaryRendererConvert features into graphics to show them with mil2525d symbols.
FeatureLayerExtrusionExtrude features based on their attributes.
FeatureLayerQueryFind features in a feature table which match an SQL query.
FeatureLayerRenderingModeMapRender features statically or dynamically by setting the feature layer rendering mode.
FeatureLayerRenderingModeSceneRender features in a scene statically or dynamically by setting the feature layer rendering mode.
FeatureLayerSelectionSelect features in a feature layer.
FeatureLayerUrlShow features from an online feature service.
FindAddressFind the location for an address.
FindPlaceFind places of interest near a location or within a specific area.
FindRouteDisplay directions for a route between two points.
FindServiceAreaFind the service area within a network from a given point.
FormatCoordinatesFormat coordinates in a variety of common notations.
GeodatabaseTransactionsUse transactions to manage how changes are committed to a geodatabase.
GeodesicOperationsCalculate a geodesic path between two points and measure its distance.
GetElevationAtPointGet the elevation for a given point on a surface in a scene.
IdentifyGraphicsDisplay an alert message when a graphic is clicked.
IdentifyLayersIdentify features in all layers in a map. MapView supports identifying features across multiple layers. Because some layer types have sublayers, the sample recursively counts results for sublayers within each layer.
IdentifyRasterCellGet the cell value of a local raster at the tapped location and display the result in a callout.
LineOfSightGeoElementShow a line of sight between two moving objects.
LineOfSightLocationPerform a line of sight analysis between two points in real time.
ListKmlContentsList the contents of a KML file.
ListTransformationsGet a list of suitable transformations for projecting a geometry between two spatial references with different horizontal datums.
MapImageLayerTablesFind features in a spatial table related to features in a non-spatial table.
MapImageSublayerQueryFind features in a sublayer based on attributes and location.
MobileMapSearchAndRouteDisplay maps and use locators to enable search and routing offline using a Mobile Map Package.
NavigateRouteUse a routing service to navigate between points.
NavigateRouteReroutingNavigate between two points and dynamically recalculate an alternate route when the original route is unavailable.
NearestVertexFind the closest vertex and coordinate of a geometry to a point.
OfflineGeocodeGeocode addresses to locations and reverse geocode locations to addresses offline.
OfflineRoutingSolve a route on-the-fly using offline data.
PerformValveIsolationTraceRun a filtered trace to locate operable features that will isolate an area from the flow of network resources.
ProjectProject a point from one spatial reference to another.
ProjectWithSpecificTransformationProject a point from one coordinate system to another using a specific transformation step.
RasterLayerImageServiceRasterCreate a raster layer from a raster image service.
RenderPictureMarkersUse pictures for markers.
RenderSimpleMarkersShow a simple marker symbol on a map.
ReverseGeocodeUse an online service to find the address for a tapped point.
RouteAroundBarriersFind a route that reaches all stops without crossing any barriers.
SceneLayerSelectionIdentify features in a scene to select.
SceneLayerUrlDisplay an ArcGIS scene layer from a URL.
ScenePropertiesExpressionsUpdate the orientation of a graphic using expressions based on its attributes.
SceneSymbolsShow various kinds of 3D symbols in a scene.
SelectEncFeaturesSelect features in an ENC layer.
ServiceFeatureTableManualCacheDisplay a feature layer from a service using the **manual cache** feature request mode.
SetMinMaxScaleRestrict zooming between specific scale ranges.
ShowCalloutShow a callout with the latitude and longitude of user-tapped points.
ShowLabelsOnLayerDisplay custom labels on a feature layer.
ShowLocationHistoryDisplay your location history on the map.
ShowPopupShow predefined popups from a web map.
SimpleRenderersDisplay common symbols for all graphics in a graphics overlay with a renderer.
SketchOnMapUse the Sketch Editor to edit or sketch a new point, line, or polygon geometry on to a map.
SpatialOperationsFind the union, intersection, or difference of two geometries.
SpatialRelationshipsDetermine spatial relationships between two geometries.
SurfacePlacementsPosition graphics relative to a surface using different surface placement modes.
SymbolizeShapefileDisplay a shapefile with custom symbology.
SymbolsFromMobileStyleCombine multiple symbols from a mobile style file into a single symbol.
TerrainExaggerationVertically exaggerate terrain in a scene.
TraceUtilityNetworkDiscover connected features in a utility network using connected, subnetwork, upstream, and downstream traces.
UpdateAttributesUpdate feature attributes in an online feature service.
UpdateGeometriesUpdate a feature's location in an online feature service.
UseDistanceCompositeSymChange a graphic's symbol based on the camera's proximity to it.
ViewshedCameraAnalyze the viewshed for a camera. A viewshed shows the visible and obstructed areas from an observer's vantage point.
ViewshedGeoElementAnalyze the viewshed for an object (GeoElement) in a scene.
ViewshedLocationPerform a viewshed analysis from a defined vantage point.

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