Spongebob Belongs In The Trash

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I can't believe no one's done this yet! For the love of god, don't put shiny Salandit male in there. XDNo copyright intended.

SpongeBob going up the stairs with junk in his wagon Oh. SpongeBob's junk almost falls down, but SpongeBob closes the door before it falls down Whoo, closed up tight! And you said it wouldn't fit. all of SpongeBob's junk falls out Gary: Meow, meow, meow. SpongeBob: Oh, nonsense, Gary, I'll find a place to put everything. Look, SpongeBob. In case you forgot, here's how things work. I order the food, you cook the food, and the customer gets the food. We do that for 40 years, and then we die.

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Spongebob Squarepants, an animation series about a sponge that lives at the bottom of the pacific ocean and likes to find some trouble with his childish behavior and brutal honesty. For some people, it is more than that, it’s a phenomenon, the best animation that. Mocking Squidward, Monty remarks, 'More like, belongs in the trash!' So the Janitor throws it in the garbage. Later, after Squidward motivates SpongeBob to get back to making art, SpongeBob finds Bold and Brash in a pile of garbage at The Dump. ' Goons on the Moon '.

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Episode Article: Artist Unknown



Squidward: Ah, how I have dreamed of this day. Mr. Tentacles: Professor of Art. What a marvelous opportunity for the people of Bikini Bottom. Bring me your huddle masses of bored house wives and I will shape them into my image. (wife’s head turns into Squidward’s) And I'll go down in history, someday. And there will be a wing with my name on it in all the museums of the world.

Janitor: Dude, you're teaching art at the rec' center. Calm down.

Squidward: Uncultured trash urchin. 9am. Time to let the class in. Well, don't want to keep them waiting any longer. (opens door) Welcome to art class!

Fish: Oh, isn't this cooking? Sorry. (everyone leaves except one)

SpongeBob: Hi, Squidward! Are you taking this art class, too?

Squidward: SpongeBob? In art class? Wait! This is cooking! Come back! You gotta be kidding.

SpongeBob: (laughs) This is great! You and me in school together. (Squidward growls in frustration) So, where's the teacher?

Squidward: You're looking at him.

SpongeBob: You are the teacher? To my pupil? This isn't art class, it's Heaven.

Squidward: (Sarcastically) Yeah. Grab a little piece of Heaven and let's get on with it.

SpongeBob: I'm ready, Mr. Tentacles.

Squidward: So, you wanna be an artist, eh, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Yes, please.

Squidward: Well, art is not all fun and games. It's a lot of hard work. (He drops a load of books on his desk shaking the building) Ok. First, repeat after me: I have no talent.

SpongeBob: I have no talent.

Squidward: Mr. Tentacles has all the talent.

SpongeBob: Mr. Tentacles has all the talent.

Squidward: If I'm lucky, some of Mr. Tentacles talent will rub off on me.

SpongeBob: If I'm lucky, Mr. Talent...(Stammers in confusion) will rub his tentacles on my art. (smiles)

Squidward: (Obviously annoyed) Whatever. Ok. Since you’re telling me you have no prior training, we'll have to start from square one. Or should I say circle one (Draws a terrible circle). (laughs) Am I going to fast for you SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: How's this, Squidward? (Holds up a perfect circle he draw)

Squidward: What the? How the? A perfect circle? Do it again. Show your process.

SpongeBob: Well, first I draw this head (Draws a live head). Then I erase some of the more detailed features (When the smoke clears up it shows the skeleton of the face he draw and when erasing again it turns into a perfect circle.) And one, two, three. A circle (Squidward is glaring), uhh, thingy.

Spongebob trash game

Squidward: Gimme that. (crumples paper) Forget the circles.

SpongeBob: Ooh, nice one Squidward. Let me try. (Crumples paper into an origami statue of himself and Squidward then laughs) Looky, Squidward. It's you and me playing leapfrog. That's you on the bottom.

Squidward: (Shocked) Gimme that. (rips up paper) There is nothing artistic about leapfrog. (SpongeBob puts pieces together) What are you doing, now?!

SpongeBob: I call it: Rippy Bits. You take a bunch of old ripped of paper, and make a new picture out of it. See? (Squidward glares at him again) You're on top...this...time. (blows paper)

Squidward: Do you want to learn art, or not?!!

SpongeBob: I'm sorry, Squidward, I'll listen.

Squidward: Alright, SpongeBob, pay close attention. Look at your marble. Visualize the sculpture within. And...gently... (hits marble with tools and it crumples into a mess)

SpongeBob: (hits marble with tools and it cracks apart leaving a marble sculpture of Michelangelo's David statue) How's this Squidward?

Squidward: (Cries) It's beautiful. (Stammers) I mean, this isn't a sculpture. A good sculpture takes...more time. You can't just sculpt Willie-Nillie. You've got to go by the book.... Follow the rules. Otherwise, you'll never get passed Amateur Hour, here. Besides, you've got the nose wrong. (Squidward puts a nose like his on the sculpture) There, now it's art.

SpongeBob: Oh, it's so obvious. I would've never thought of that. I'm sorry, Squidward. I came here to learn and I arrogantly shunned your lessons. I'll never be a great artist like you. I don't deserve your tutoring. I don't deserve your kindness. I don't even deserve to use your door. (door opens hitting SpongeBob out the window in the garbage)

Monty: Hello there.

SpongeBob: But I did deserve that. (garbage door closes) I deserved that, too. (garbage truck drives by, and loads the garbage and SpongeBob in its' garbage pail before driving off towards the dump) And I deserve this!

Monty: Good day, sir.

Squidward: Sorry, class dismissed. You're too late.

Monty: Oh, I beg your pardon, but I've forgotten my manners. My name is Monty P. Moneybags.

Squidward: World famous art collector?

Monty: The one and only.

Squidward: Well, what are you doing here?

Monty: I'm on a shopping spree. Buying art for my new museum.

Squidward: Your search is over. I am Bikini Bottom's greatest artiste. (Shows a geometrical sculpture of himself as an angel) I call this one: Squidward en repose.

Monty: I, uh, don't think that will fit in with the other pieces in my collection.

Squidward: Why not?

Monty: Because, it's an art collection. (laughs)

Squidward: How about this one? (Holds up a painting of him in a bubbly like form) I call it: Bold and Brash.

Monty: More like: Belongs in the Trash. (laughs)

Janitor: Sorry. I must've missed that one (Grabs painting and throws it in his trash can before walking off whistling)

Monty: Maybe I should be...huh? What is that? (Sees the sculpture)

Squidward: Wait, wait. That's not uh, uh...


Monty: Angelic form, amazing detail, perfect censorship. (Smiles) This is the work of a true genius. (Frowns in confusion) Hello? What's this?!!?? (Sees the nose Squidward added) This is the only flaw. (Smiles, rips off Squidward's added nose which falls on Squidward's forehead giving him two noses. Monty sees the human nose on the statue) Ah, that's more like it. I simply must find the artist responsible. He shall have fame.

Squidward: Fame. (Squidward imagines himself as popular)

Monty: Fortune.

Squidward: Fortune. (Squidward imagines himself in a tub full of money)

Monty: Anything his heart desires.

Squidward: Anything? (Squidward imagines himself with hair) It's me. It's me. I'm responsible.

Monty: I can see it now. Your name in the world's most prestigious museums. I'm gonna make you, immortal!! Now, uh, help me get this in the car.

Squidward: I could use a little help. (sculptures head falls off and turns into dust) My fame, my fortune, my hair.

Monty: Well, that's a bit a bad luck right there. But, this shouldn't be a problem for an artist of your magnitude. You can whip up another one.

Squidward: Yeah, no problem. You know, between you and me, this isn't my best work. Why don't you come back tomorrow and I'll have something that will really knock your socks off.

Spongebob trash can

Monty: Between you and me, I'm not wearing socks. (laughs)

Squidward: Yeah, no socks. Ok, see you tomorrow. Bye. I gotta find SpongeBob!! (at dump) SpongeBob...SpongeBob? SpongeBob!

SpongeBob: Go away, Squidward. I don't deserve your kindness.

Squidward: Hey, cheer up. I have decided to give you another chance. Why, with a great teacher like me, anything is possible.

SpongeBob: Don't look at me Squidward. Don't look at my shame. These hands weren't meant to create. They only destroy. I can't look at them. (SpongeBob's hands pop off and run into a soup can)

Squidward: Aww, c'mon SpongeBob. You've got yourself a pair of yellow dandies here. With my help, we'll turn them into tools of beauty.

SpongeBob: Really?

Squidward: Really!

SpongeBob: Really?

Squidward: Really!

SpongeBob: Really?

Squidward: Really.

SpongeBob: Wow. Really?

Squidward: Let's go.

SpongeBob: Squidward, look. It's ol' bold and brash. (He picks up the painting which was taken to the dump)

Squidward: Gimme that. (back at classroom) Ok, SpongeBob. Just do what you did before.

SpongeBob: I...can't!

Squidward: Ah, ah. Wait, wait. Let me help. Let's start with the circle again.

SpongeBob: I did it, Squidward.

Squidward: Huh? But, but, what about the head...and the erasing, and the, the...

SpongeBob: I don’t know, Squidward. That stuff’s not in the book.

Squidward: Uhh... (crumples paper) How about this, huh? Remember?

SpongeBob: That's not in the book, either.

Squidward: Forget about the book. (rips book) Ha! Look at all this mess SpongeBob. What do all these little pieces of paper make you want to do.

SpongeBob: Wait, I know this. Oh, wait, I think I got it. (puts book back together) Tada! (Squidward's nose melts off his face)

Squidward: Ok, SpongeBob. Let's just move onto the marble.

SpongeBob: First, an artist must concentrate and visualize his concept.

Squidward: Now you've got it.

SpongeBob: I've gotta embrace the marble.

Squidward: Right.

SpongeBob: I've gotta sniff the marble.

Squidward: Well, uh, ok.

SpongeBob: I've gotta lick the marble.

Squidward: Uhh...

SpongeBob: I've gotta wash the marble. I've gotta date the marble. I've gotta be the marble. I've got it. I have see the sculpture within.

Squidward: Here you go, buddy.

SpongeBob: With this tool, I shall give birth to art.

Squidward: Oh, boy. (SpongeBob taps marble with tool and breaks into pieces)

SpongeBob: But, one more thing. (puts a copy of Squidward's nose on it) There. Now it's art. Well, what do you think, Squidward? Just take it all in for a moment. Let it soak in. (Squidward gets irritated, screams and throws everything in his classroom into a pile) It looks like the excitement of my artistic triumph is too much for Squidward. Oh, well, back to the dump. To the dump, to the dump, to the dump, dump dump. To the dump, to the dump, To the dump, dump dump. (The room smokes up and the doors open)

Monty: I'm here for the...what the? Who is responsible for this?

Squidward: As of now, it's his responsibility. (puts hat on janitor's head) Good day to you, sir. (This is a reference to 'Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory', where Mr. Wonka tells Charlie and Grandpa Joe that they lost the contest by saying: 'You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!')

(The janitor and Monty see the mess which forms a better sculpture of David)

Monty: You, sir, are the greatest artist whoever lived!

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Welcome to Bold and Brash 2After nine years in development, hopefully, it'll have been worth the wait.Thumbnail by kae/kitts: https://soundcloud.com/on-break-lolive got less than 20 minutes left, and I don't know if im gonna use them all up before i archive this account. Theres some big changes i want to make, but since im so close to archiving, I wanted to wait.epic dial ogg:* Y'know, i sorta was hated SpongeBob, but... I realize, he needs more love than he should... So, it's time for you to BELONGS IN THE TRASH.https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/417246045433757696/423686785185611779/NkCRwaeZEP.png


Comment by Ian Richter


Comment by Brazil

*more like belongs in the trash. *you feel like someone already said that.

Comment by Under-Nate

now thats a hell

Comment by realger sans

Why does this exist

Comment by a plate of pasta


Comment by Epicguy2165

haha head go BrRr

Comment by Patrick star

boring start

Comment by Vesta

@ricalegal_das_grueia: [*loud bang, ominous beeping*]

Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@ghistofficial: lol

Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@matdat: Its an AU, but not popular.

Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@doomguyisbestgurl: no

Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《


Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@theunderblunder2: You stole it,

Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@azurl: Who'es Joe?

Comment by 》Argy Bird JSter《

@kids-castorena: No


@user-447311927-262423341 Like your profile


@kids-castorena No he didn't

Comment by Okuyasu-Nijimura69

squidward has head cancer

Comment by Kids Castorena

You stole this music

Spongebob Belongs In The Trash

Comment by 💞🏳️‍🌈$pr!ngF@ux🏳️‍🌈💞

@user-825203820 hes seen the sins of humanity

Comment by KennyVargas20


Comment by Frost the glaceon

when you were not paying atention in class and the teacher calls on u

Comment by SwapSwappy/SwapFellSwappy (SS!/SFS! Meme Paps)

the art is umcomfortable

Comment by SwapSwappy/SwapFellSwappy (SS!/SFS! Meme Paps)

Spongebob Trash Can

@kibo1 LMFAO

Comment by GOX 3360 almost [archive]

The art

Comment by big chringe


Spongebob Belongs In The Trash Scene

Comment by Vesta


Comment by TS!UnderSwap Sans

squidward has seen some s**t

Spongebob Artist More Like Belongs In The Trash

Comment by Super Whiting

Thank god this got 1000 likes.

Comment by Retro Style Music

*Squidward has a gun. OH WAIT OH G-

Coments are closed